Signal bleed thru mechanical switcher box

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Signal bleed thru mechanical switcher box

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Hello Forum Members,
My case is-as follows:
I did a 4 channel passive switcher that consist of 2 Independent switches in paralel on each channel from input to output:
- spdt (on/off)the circuit is housed in aluminium box - all circuits share common ground via contact surface of imput/output jack.
A signal bleed between channels appears as switches remain in off position.
My goal is to keep this box passive.
I have tied to add an input buffer made of tl074- for each channel- between input pin and rest of circuit to privide a matching impedance (high on input/low on output)- same result.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
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Re: Signal bleed thru mechanical switcher box

A diagram and photos of the build would make it easier for us to help.
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Re: Signal bleed thru mechanical switcher box

Sorry, just noticed you updated your post. Did you get this sorted?