I was typing the subject and that song came to my mind...and had to do it. I've always liked that bass line. Such a sinister song for rainy evenings in your bedroom.
Mmm, that's true. Maybe I haven't explained myself well. If I'm not wrong, there are "two" kinds of electros: ones for psu purposes and the audio ones. Even if that thing doesn't really matter for analog guitar pedals I like to use them that way. But I'm not sure if I'm doing right.
The same for the resistors. Even if you want to build a board full of mojo carbon comp resistors it's a good idea to use metal film for those resistor that aren't in the audio path. Is that right? Well, I would say that all resistors are in the audio path but the 22k. But now I have my doubts about the resistors to ground...

Anyway, thank you Travis :)