Simble OD

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Simble OD

Not sure if any of the tracing forums are working on this one, but I'd sure like to see what's going on in this one....and I hope to goodness it isn't another OCD, Klone or Screamer ;-/

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Re: Simble OD

Solder of Fortune
Just got one after hearing it live in action at a local gig.
First thing before playing it is disassemble it :D
Well.. the professor surely likes his references..
First, the outside finish resembles a woodlook formica turret board found in some dumbles.
Then disassembly.
Back of the PCB says: Simble od V 2.1 2014.
Took it out, turned it around... guess what..?
Black goop across a significant area on the pcb!!
Mad professor surely likes to go all the way in recreation of classic amps!
The opamp top is sanded but vaguely shows " TL0. . . something.
2n7000 transistors.
Just peeking away under the goop is skotchy bat 43 diode.
Near the 2pdt on/off switch a sil 1n4148, a sil "B..." and a skotchy Bat 46.
Metal film caps: 2x 2.2nf,  2x47nf, 2x 100nf, 1x 220nf and 1nf, 2x electrolytes 220uf, 1x 47pf mylar.
Plus some under the goop.

New here btw and absolute noob in fx pedals.

Turning my knob CW
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Re: Simble OD

Can you scratch off the goop and take bigger pictures?