Simple Fully Parametric EQ- Schematic enclosed

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Simple Fully Parametric EQ- Schematic enclosed

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Hey guys! Long time, no post. This is a parametric EQ circuit that I found on the interwebs, and slightly tweaked (the frontend is pretty different). What's cool about this circuit is that it sweeps between 70 Hz-7KHz, and has controllable resonance, which allows you to get wacky controlled feedback, Frank Zappa-style. It's also capable of 18dB boost/cut at those selected frequencies.  I'm trying to work on a PCB for it, but it's getting extremely awkward to lay out, and I'd like to see if any of you guys could take a crack at the vero. The opamp can be any quad, I picked the TL974 because it's low noise, pretty darn cheap and low power (I'd ultimately like to put this inside one of my guitars!) The FET can be anything (I'd probably use an MPF102).
