Simple Zombie Chorus Question

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Simple Zombie Chorus Question

I'm having some ticking noise problems with this one. IvIark, trying to help somebody with the same issue than me, wrote:
"It would probably be better to increase both 10u vbias filter caps, particularly the one attached to the LFO rather than the main filter cap."
Can someone tell me which one is the one I have to increase? I've been reading the J. Hollis schematics but I can't figure it out.
Here is the layout I'm using:

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Simple Zombie Chorus Question

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Re: Simple Zombie Chorus Question

In reply to this post by penalkolony
I've increased both. No ticking noise now!
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Re: Simple Zombie Chorus Question

I integrated in the pedalboard and j 'also have a click permanently
You put what value instead of 10uF?