Site Map down?

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Site Map down?

Since about a week the site map seems to be down, it does not load in either Firefox or IE. I get the usual Google ad but the pedal list is not loaded at all.

Anyone has that as well or know how to get around this issue? I always found the site map the easiest way to find a particular pedal quickly.
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Re: Site Map down?

Hmm, didn't realise it wasn't working.  The site map is autogenerated using a script to list the posts, so I don't know what has changed that may be preventing it working properly.  I'll see if I can find out and get it corrected.  Thanks for the heads up
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Re: Site Map down?

OK I've done it a different way which will make it a bit more user friendly because you can list it chronologically, alphabetically, or by tag type.  Give it a try and see what you think
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Re: Site Map down?

Actually the label sorting doesn't do anything, possibly because of multiple labels for each post, but then I don't know how useful it would have been anyway.  Chronologically and alphabetically are the important ones.
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Re: Site Map down?

Yay for super friendly service! :D

Thanks bringing the site map back, it was really useful for me.
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Re: Site Map down?

In reply to this post by IvIark
Love the new site map,  especially from my phone!  Like to be able to click the tags to only see those.  Tags didn't show up on my phone before.