Skreddy Lunar Module (non deluxe version with trim pots!)

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Skreddy Lunar Module (non deluxe version with trim pots!)

As per the title, I'd love to see a good Lunar Module layout that has the brite and pre gain controls as trim pots as per the non Deluxe version of the pedal. I'm not a big fan of anything over 3 knobs and would be more than happy to set and forget those two parameters.

HERE is the original schematic.

It might only be a prett ystraight forward rejig from the Deluxe layout, I certainly can see the Brite control being accommodated on the board by pretty much just adding a row or two and a cut, but the same can't be said of the pre-gain.

Perhaps any DIYLC pro fancy a go? Thanks in advice should you want to! :)

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Re: Skreddy Lunar Module (non deluxe version with trim pots!)

Why don't you make a little trimmer daughterboard?  Otherwise the inclusion of trimmers on the main board will make it more awkward to mount in a 1590B because it would increase to at least 23 or 24 columns wide.  The daughterboard will take up less real estate and can be tucked out of the way somewhere

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Re: Skreddy Lunar Module (non deluxe version with trim pots!)

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Hi Mark, thanks for the suggestion, it's actually a pretty good idea, and allows for potential future swap with resistors should no need be felt to ever adjust them once the sweet spot has been located.

Alternatively, a bit more researching unearthed a verified and working layout from the freestompboxes forum made by user Nocentelli which can accomodate pots or trims in pretty much any position. HERE is the link (might only work if you're a member on the FSB forum and logged in).

The body control can be included easily as a bourne trim pot if the LED resistor is omitted onboard, and so can the tone control by adding a cut next to the 47n cap and another one row up next to the 2k7 on the right side of the board and bridging these two adjacent rows to leave an end of board pad clear to go to volume 3.

All this if you can bare working with standing resistors, that is...! :P

PS: forgot to mention, Nocentelli's layout also lacks the resistor in series with the signal after the input cap, which is 56k in the original schematic. Any idea as per how that affects the pedal? Does it simply attenuate the signal slightly at the input or has it any bearing on the input inpedance/popping/signal it feeds to Q1?