Small Clone Tick

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Small Clone Tick

so i recently plugged my small clone into my mesa to play around with it, and noticed it has the dreaded LFO tick that becomes really noticeable when the rate is turned up. it's so noticeable in fact that without playing a not you hear it and you can watch the speakers plus.

i've been doing some research about what to do to correct it and came up with this from the DIYSB archive:

The LFO and audio path need to be decoupled from each other. You should run something like a 100R resistor from the shared +9v source to the V+ pin of the various CMOS and op-amp chips, and run a 10-100uf cap to ground from that pin. This will give each chip a small reservoir of current to hold them over in case one of the other chips makes a sudden demand for current. Those sudden demands are what you hear as ticking.

now three questions.
1 - anyone else build the small clone and have the same issue.
2 - which IC's do i need to run the 100r resistor from power to V+, and cap to ground? i've been looking at the board and not even sure if there's room to do it, as it's pretty tight,
3 - could it be a bad IC?

i still have to add 2 resistors to curb the popping, but that's not really important since it's known to pop.
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Re: Small Clone Tick

I was going to build a Pulsar but read a lot about the ticking issue with its LFO.  I wonder if it would be worth redoing the layout with the LFO on a separate vero?   That would permit better isolation, especially if the signals were not permitted to run close to each other on the main board.