Small Stone

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Small Stone

since there aren't a whole lot of phasors, i thought that the small stone would be a great one to have.

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Re: Small Stone

I started doing the Small Stone not so long ago just to see if I could get it a reasonable size.  I just started doing the phasing stages with the 4 x CA3094's and figured that if I could get those 4 in a compact enough space then I would do it, but it didn't end up very compact and I could tell it was going to get to the size where I'd need a larger box, and so something that I would automatically use a PCB for.

That isn't to say I won't do it, but ones like this drop down my list of priorities and so it's more likely to be something that I do in the future at some point when the schematics start drying up a bit.  When that happens I will do a lot of the bigger circuits and will pretty much do any size layout but a lot less frequently and so I may only end up doing a couple of layouts a month.  But as I said, at this time they remain low priority.  

In the meantime if you want to build something similar I'd really recommend the Causality 4 which I think sounds better than the Small Stone anyway and is also an OTA phaser.  See Jimi's demo here:

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Re: Small Stone

very true mark about the size. i looked at the schematic and couldn't believe it. i have the casualty 4 on my build list, but thought if this could be down on a reasonable size board it would be awesome to have something that is fairly important in music history.

but, then again, i have to build the small clone........
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Re: Small Stone

Mmmm - this has just reminded me that I have a Small Stone somewhere in the house (from a long time ago) - must go and hunt it out and poke around inside and see what makes it tick (figuratively speaking)
Come to think of it now, it was a nice sounding pedal, not sure why I stopped using it
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Re: Small Stone

damn it dbat. i guess it's only fair for you to rub that in my face since i bought all of those SFD112 diodes on ebay right out from under you.

 i think i'm just going to have to find one cheap, and find a small clone, i mean i'm a 90's kid so i grew up hearing so many bands use them both like nirvana. but i was hoping that if i could build one i could mod it to retain the low end, not like it has a problem with the low end, just as a bass player i feel like you can never have too much low end.
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Re: Small Stone

Get a PCB from Tonepad.  As a bonus you'll get it in a 1590B
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Re: Small Stone

In reply to this post by rocket88
Sorry Rocket   didn't mean to rub it in how nice a pedal this is  

If you need any info on it - let me know as I found it (its old and a bit rough looking and has that musky electronic smell)  also came across my old Muff Fuzz and a Korg ToneWorks AmpWorks modelling pedal I forgot I had, so thanks for making me get dirty and hunt through my forgotten stuff.
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Re: Small Stone

In reply to this post by IvIark
I understand the issue of size, but I thought I would just add that I would love to have this one up on the site as well.
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Re: Small Stone

I'll probably still add it.  I've started doing it 3 different ways and none of them could fit in a 125B and so would end up needing a 1590BB box.  That does annoy me and I'd always prefer to do this with a PCB so it can fit in a 1590B, but as I've started it I may as well finish it.  

Don't know when it will be though, I've got a few other things on at the moment which are taking my mind away from pedals apart from the odd quicky when I get time.
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Re: Small Stone

In reply to this post by rocket88
You should be able to find the latest "big box" model for around $40. I've had several of those, and in my opinion the latest big box one is probably the best sounding

I currently have one from the 70s which I paid like $70 for. It's the "issue J" model with the noodley font. Sounds REALLY good, I think I still prefer the newest big box version though (v4 according to kitrae)

The normal mode cuts low end (in a nice way) but the color setting has tons of low end