Small vox-like amp circuit

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Small vox-like amp circuit

Hello, friends. I moved to a new apartment and I have a problem. I have a lot of interference in the electrical network, which is why I can not use the processor. And I also have this nightmarish ibanez gta-10, with a volume handle that is too sensitive. I thought, what if I put together a small amplifier, a watt by 5 and do battery power? And ibanez gta-10 will be used simply as an cabinet. Can someone show a 5 watt circuit with a sound similar to vox?
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Re: Small vox-like amp circuit

If I were you, I'd do the Ruby Amp (here and here) and something like the Galileo MKII (here) or the Vox in a Box (here) and put them in the same enclosure to feed a tiny speaker.

Anyway, check out the main site sections "Amp", "Pre-Amp" and "Amp Emulation". Plenty of vox-like layouts  to choose from.

Hope this helps!
