Smallsound_Bigsound - MINI (schematic provided by Brian!)

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Smallsound_Bigsound - MINI (schematic provided by Brian!)

alert! alert! in case anyone missed it over there...

Brian posted the schematic for the Mini over at FSB:

Would someone like to tackle a layout for this?

Also, i've read that the mini is a close cousin to the Fuck... maybe this could help those few people trying to tackle the Fuck (barbershop+dr quack, etc...)

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Re: Smallsound_Bigsound - MINI (schematic provided by Brian!)

:0 this is awesome! You're right this is closely related to the fuck. Brian made this as a smaller version of the fuck without the broken amp switch. The mini is different in that it has a little more low end, a bass pot, and the bias pot.

Great pedal, great builder!
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Re: Smallsound_Bigsound - MINI (schematic provided by Brian!)

amazing, right?!

here's a link to the FSB thread in case anyone wants the ref:

this is small enough that I would be able to make a vero, but it wouldn't be anywhere near as efficient and compact a layout as the vero wizards on this site could make... fingers crossed that someone here takes a swing at this.
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Re: Smallsound_Bigsound - MINI (schematic provided by Brian!)

I have made a vero of this.Check out the contribution section.