Soldano X88R preamp

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Soldano X88R preamp

Sensei Tim

I'm in the process of working on a JFET version of the X88R preamp from Soldano (high gain channel, of course).

Using this schematic i've compared it to the dr boogie/madbean chunk chunk  and for the most part it is very similar up until the master volume.

In the schematic there are 2 extra 12AX7's after all three channels merge.  Is this some kind of output buffer?  it doesn't look like it would impact the tone at all?

Can someone please confirm?
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Re: Soldano X88R preamp

From what I can tell, the Soldano has a tube gain + buffer at the end, probably to account for the signal loss in the tone stack.  You could replicate this with a simple jfet gain stage (no need for the buffer) before the volume control, but I would just leave it off unless you can't get enough signal from the amp sim as it stands.  Good luck with the project!