Soldering Iron

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Re: Soldering Iron

i know you can get new irons for yours. i'll have to find it again, but they also weren't pricey either. from what i understand, pretty much all the ones mentioned at good for production, just may not full on industrial. which btw, is ridiculously expensive. i looked at one someone suggested that they said could be bought used for a good price, which ended up being $800-$1000. not bad when the unit new was about $1500, but insanely priced.
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Re: Soldering Iron

In reply to this post by rocket88
I just got my Hakko solder station and the nice thing is that they got hot instantly. If I had known that I would have bought one instantly. The reason regular irons burn out is because they get left on, because one does not want to let them cool down so you have to wait for them to heat up again.

This is much safer and convenient. I like it already.