Son of Screamer

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Son of Screamer

Might be nice for starting DIY'ers like me to have a neat vero of the effect alot of those boutique overdrives are based on. There is a vero out there but it feels awkward because i've become so used to the "no standing resistors ever" thing. Would be appreciated. I love what you guys do!'
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Re: Son of Screamer

Lazy Swamis
Not exactly the same, but the Son of Clay Jones is on here. It is a stripped down modded tube screamer as well. It sounds really good btw.
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Re: Son of Screamer

In reply to this post by Zombie11
Yes and this is basically a Lovepedal Eternity.  It's an exact circuit match so you can just change a couple of part values to have it exact.  I may do the layout anyway just to add it to the library as it's a quick alteration of the Eternity layout, but if you want it any quicker then you should have no problem making the changes.
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Re: Son of Screamer

In reply to this post by Zombie11
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Re: Son of Screamer

Lazy Swamis
Nice lvlark!
Whippin' out an "o"riginal lovepedal design so quick! Talent!