Sonic Crayon Hollow Earth Vibrato

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Sonic Crayon Hollow Earth Vibrato

Hi. I really love the first version of this. Anyone have the layout or schematic of this?

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Re: Sonic Crayon Hollow Earth Vibrato

Cloudscapes is an amazing designer. Unfortunately for us he doesn't release schematics, or the code that goes on his microprocessors. Cloning one of his effects would take some SERIOUS reverse engineering and hacking. Not as simple as working from a schematic.
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Re: Sonic Crayon Hollow Earth Vibrato

Thanks for the answer. After i post i see it uses a programmed microprocessor for the lfo.
I want a pitch vibrato but i dont find any schematics for this. I will try build a moded ce-2.
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Re: Sonic Crayon Hollow Earth Vibrato

The most simple pitch vibrato build that I have found is the Magnavibe which Mark posted a layout for here on the site. I've been getting quite a bit of mileage out of that build. It's limited and quirky but has a really nice sound and is a super quick and cheap build.

I have also built a Boss VB-2 with the BYOC board, which is a really refined and nice analog vibrato. It's much more complicated and expensive to build, but it just sounds great. It has a pretty symmetrical waveform, better control over speed and depth, as well as a ramp function.

Not sure how either of these compare to the Hollow Earth, but those are a couple pitch vibratos you may enjoy
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Re: Sonic Crayon Hollow Earth Vibrato

I built a couple of Magna Vibes. Its a good effect, but it is too subtle.
I want to something like the Zvex Instant Lo-fi Junky. I will try build a lofomofo with pitch pirate.

The VB2 sounds good, but find mn3007 is very hard. I thought buy in aliexpress but i dont know if really works. Sorry my poor english, I am from Brazil.
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Re: Sonic Crayon Hollow Earth Vibrato

Hey first of all is your name a Pixies reference? Always loved the song Velouria

I would definitely NOT try to buy that from aliexpress.. Smallbear has the real parts. I know it isn't going to be cheap to get it

Here is a modern work alike from coolaudio
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Re: Sonic Crayon Hollow Earth Vibrato

Yes, it is a Pixies Reference. I love Pixies, in special the Bossanova Album.

I didnt know the new the 3207. Its a better price than 3007. But the exchange rate and the tax of importion make it very expensive to import to Brazil.

For my use, it is ok buy one for try build this, but to sell its impossible.

I did try a lot of vibe and vibratos pt2399 or mn13700 baseds, but no one really sounds good in comparison of vb2 or zvex ILFM.

Thanks for the answers