Sound reacting LED

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Sound reacting LED

I'm not propably the first to think of that but is it possible to make this happen inside a pedal, or it would compromise the signal? Found some designs but all of them tend to be about ambient lighting to the sound system or such. Can it be used for serious sound designs without taking too much space in the enclosure?
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Re: Sound reacting LED

I've used this to make this (sorry, having trouble with YouTube embeds). The led lights up according to the first signal, which affects an ldr attached to the time pot. This all changes the delay time according to how much signal is going tonto the pedal. I did use a small jfet buffer due to some noise, but it's relatively small and totally usable.
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Re: Sound reacting LED

Good idea there, I was thinking about an outer Led for cosmetic purposes. ( maybe red eyes flashing or something ) I m gonna give it a breadboard try!

I guess what you've done is run the buffer on input and split the signal to effect and this circuit?
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Re: Sound reacting LED

Neil mcNasty
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In reply to this post by Zanius
Here is a very simple circuit with some info/discussion you might wanna check out:

And this about potential "tone suck" issues:;topic=92741.0
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Re: Sound reacting LED

In reply to this post by Zanius
On a distortion or OD circuit if you use LEDs for clipping diodes they may light up when they clip. I would verify that they do indeed light up first but I've used them on the outside of the enclosure as blinking eyes or something similar before.
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Re: Sound reacting LED

I have one, I think earthquaker talons, that uses LEDs for overdrive so I mounted them in holes in the case. It is pretty cool to watch them blink while you play.