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Sources for Boss CE-5 style "double pot"?

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Sources for Boss CE-5 style "double pot"?

18 posts
I sold my CE-5 a while ago and the only thing I really miss about it is its cool double "filter" pot. You can kind of see it on the far right in this pic:

The inner part of the knob turns independently of the outer collar, and they control an HPF and LPF. So it's kind of like a dual pot only you can control the two parts separately.

This seems to me to be a nice way to do something like a coarse/fine split for a modulation control. But I have no idea whether pots like this are available, or indeed what term to search for.

Anybody seen 'em for sale?
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Re: Sources for Boss CE-5 style "double pot"?

313 posts
Yeah, they are called "concentric" pots. I've seen them around, never used them though. Note that you'll also need a concentric knob to use them. They are cool but unless you want them for a repair better avoid them. They cost like ten times what you would pay for 2 normal pots, maybe more.
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Re: Sources for Boss CE-5 style "double pot"?

1993 posts
In reply to this post by helveticat
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Re: Sources for Boss CE-5 style "double pot"?

18 posts
Thanks folks -- "concentric" was the word I was missing. And yes, at those prices it's not likely to be worth it... I'm a sucker for an unusual fixture though...