Soviet Silicon Diodes.

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Soviet Silicon Diodes.

After the success of Rocket's Soviet Germanium diode thread, I'm starting it's companion.

Feel free to add any Soviet Silicon transistors or diodes to this.

My last order from Bulgaria contained about twenty D220 silicon diodes. They look the same as D310/D311 Germaniums, (bit a bit smaller) like little black nuclear bombs.

50V max, 50mA forward current, and 1.5V DC max forward voltage.

Holy shit these things are fierce! Really tight and compressed sounding, Loads of bass and a nice smooth treble. I have only tried one in my Conrad Buzztone so far, but boy does it sound good!
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

Cool, sounds promising, just bought 50 of these on a lark yesterday. Will definitely try these in my Conrad as well. I built another FM-2 Fuzzmaster a couple of days ago, using a couple of 2D509A. Bassy with great treble response, my favorite Fuzzmaster to date hands down.
I'm really curious about russian silicon tranny's, might be some hidden gems there.
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

Silver Blues
In reply to this post by Beaker
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

In reply to this post by anders
I have just tried the D220s diodes in my FM-2 Fuzz Master, and they sound great in that too.

Which transistors are you using in your Fuzz Master Anders?
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

Got these in my cart on eBay, going to place another large order, I'll leave some Ge's for everyone else , but I've got to send an email to our favorite Bulgarian seller to see if he's got some. I've got about 600-1000 of the kd521v, the ones used in the russian muffs and they are incredible. Somehow they are fat, clear, smooth, and in your face all in the same time. In the muff they seem like a cross between typical Si and Ge diodes. They used to be around all the time, and be like $9 for 100, but now they're gone. If you find them grab them.
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

Zach, I have a hundred KD521A on order too. Now I know why I could not find any V's !!!

Same spec, but the A is 75V, while the V is 50V.
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

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Haha. I swear I didn't buy them all. I'm sure the kd521a's will be just as good. They both were used in the russian muff. Think about all the D9 diodes.

Btw, why am I always being blamed for stuff disappearing? I mean as soon as the MP38a disappeared I get blamed just because I have like 600 of them.
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

Only joshing Zach, 600 is nothing in the scheme of things!

Forgot to mention I have a load of 2D503B on the way too.
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

Trust me buddy I know. Just saying it always seems to come down to me.

Definitely a good idea to find some of these hidden gems of diodes. So easy to keep a bunch of them around. They take up no space.
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

Don't you go buying any more for a couple of more weeks.  I want to get some before they all go but have to wait for pay day

Well if you can't blame you, who can we blame?
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

Yeah dbat, that's my point too. we don't know who this mysterious "other guy" is, so can't vent at him...
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

yea, yea, yea, story of my life, always taking the blame. but i make no guarantees as to when i order, i'll do it suddenly and by surprise , which btw has grown.

btw, dbat. i still have those parts for you all packed up and read to go.
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

In reply to this post by Beaker
Beaker, sorry for the late reply, I took a break from pedal building for a week to  be with friends and know the thing called life..
As for the Fuzzmaster I used 2N2219A's, I suppose they're similar to metal can 2N2222's.

The parcel from Russia has arrived, mostly germanium stuff but I've tried the D220's in a Fender Fuzz Wah and in a Bosstone and they're great, I will definitly order more of these. I also got KD522B's, haven't tried them yet though.

A side note, have anyone here experiences of D9M Ge Diodes? They're small like silicon diodes with a voltage drop at 0,5 which is a bit high?
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Re: Soviet Silicon Diodes.

The D9 series all have a voltage drop of around 0.5 volts as far as I'm aware. I have no experience with D9M, but have used D9E, D9V and D9K - all of which sound fantastic. I'm sure D9M will sound great too.