Stereo Tremolo | Small ... but needs alternative to unobtainium

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Stereo Tremolo | Small ... but needs alternative to unobtainium

This is for the ones who is looking for a small stero tremolo circuit.
If is someone interested on draw a vero... so please drop alternatives to the unobtainium ICs.

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Re: Stereo Tremolo | Small ... but needs alternative to unobtainium

i don't know about the TCA730, but the XR2206 is the chip generating the lfo waveform, so it's unlikely that there would be alternatives... I bought mine (for the Catalinbread PAreidolia) from Tayda
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Re: Stereo Tremolo | Small ... but needs alternative to unobtainium

Silver Blues
Well there's this...
Through all the worry and pain we move on