Stereo to Mono Summing switch or pedal

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Stereo to Mono Summing switch or pedal

I've been searching around and I found this post:

But I'm not sure I understand the link to fully. I have a pedal board that splits to stereo at my delay and stays stereo through my reverb. I play at a number of locations... some of them offer stereo access and some don't. A switch or pedal that would allow me to leave my board wired stereo and just plug in mono at those locations would be awesome. Passive or active is fine. I don't need an LED or anything.. the simpler the better.

Thanks for your input and advice.
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Re: Stereo to Mono Summing switch or pedal

I do know that this pedal will do the job I'm after and then some.. but $$$ and it's more fun to make one ;)