Stereo wah

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Stereo wah

Hi, somebody asked me if I could mod his standard crybaby wah into a stereo wah.
His chain: guitar -> chorus with stereo out -> both outs go to a different fuzz and to different amps. He wan't both fuzzes to go into a wah (but signal kept separate).
Is there any other way then putting 2 wah circuits in the enclosure and use a dual gang pot ? (dual gang for wah is difficult to source i think?)
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Re: Stereo wah

You would probably need to populate two new boards as your average Crybaby board is quite big. It would also be fun to see what switching you're going to use for bypass, as a good stereo switching system seems to be virtually non-existent.

Tim Commerford, bass player of Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave used two wah pedals for his stereo sound. To operate them at the same time he put a wooden board on top of both them.

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Re: Stereo wah

Thanks  for the input Muadzin. I also proposed to use the wooden board. But now I can show them the picture of Commerford's board :) what is good enough for that guy should be good enough for him :)

Aah, yes you are right! I totally forgot about the switching of the two signals but that could be solved by drilling an extra hole for the second switch in there no?

They proposed to use an expression pedal to operate a stereo wah circuit? I think it has the same problems as using a wah pedal right?
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Re: Stereo wah

KT wrote
Thanks  for the input Muadzin. I also proposed to use the wooden board. But now I can show them the picture of Commerford's board :) what is good enough for that guy should be good enough for him :)

Aah, yes you are right! I totally forgot about the switching of the two signals but that could be solved by drilling an extra hole for the second switch in there no?
I've researched ways to do stereo switching myself, as in two separate signal paths controlled by one switch and I can currently think of only two ways:

- 4PDT switch, with 4 poles to work with you can wire the switch as either two DPDT switches with no LED's, or two millenium bypass switches, with one of them controlling a LED.
- Double relay switching. This is what I ended up using in my loopers. Two Uber relay boards from THCustoms, each controlling a single signal path hooked up to a single momentary SPDT. Only one of them has to control a LED. And I've do come to enjoy the presence of a LED on a wah pedal. The boards are small enough to fit in the top of a wah pedal, next to the switch. Leaving plenty of space for two wah boards.

Using a stereo switch system and two wah boards as small as possible in one wah shell would be doable. You should probably forget about using a battery and drilling an extra set of holes for the second set of jacks will be a pain in the ass though. I don't know what they're using but Cry Baby wah shells are tough as nails. If you need an armored car, get one made out of Cry Baby wah shell material.

<quote.They proposed to use an expression pedal to operate a stereo wah circuit? I think it has the same problems as using a wah pedal right?

Maybe even worse as I have no clue how to drive two separate circuits from a single expression pedal's signal, whereas your idea to use a dual gang pot seems like a simple elegant solution. If they exist that is.