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Stew-Mac Gets Into the DIY Pedal Business

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Stew-Mac Gets Into the DIY Pedal Business

1239 posts
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Re: Stew-Mac Gets Into the DIY Pedal Business

1284 posts
I laughed at first when I saw this - clones of JHS pedals. Then I got really angry, as I realised Stewmac must be paying JHS a licencing fee on these.

So JHS are still earning money from pedal kits they have ripped off from others.

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Re: Stew-Mac Gets Into the DIY Pedal Business

610 posts
In reply to this post by Frank_NH
I find it interesting that JHS is selling those kits.
It's like they're not even trying to claim it as their own anymore and just letting you do it yourself.
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Re: Stew-Mac Gets Into the DIY Pedal Business

487 posts
In reply to this post by Beaker
Beaker wrote
I laughed at first when I saw this - clones of JHS pedals. Then I got really angry, as I realised Stewmac must be paying JHS a licencing fee on these.

So JHS are still earning money from pedal kits they have ripped off from others.

We should honor JHS by making vero layouts of all their pedals.
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Re: Stew-Mac Gets Into the DIY Pedal Business

1239 posts
"We should honor JHS by making vero layouts of all their pedals. "

There's really no reason to since most of his products are derivative designs.  To be honest, we already have so MANY overdrive, fuzz, distortion, delay, tremolo, etc. layouts that it should be easy to pick out something that fits your taste and sounds remarkably close to commercial pedals.  

Among my own vero collection, I have at least a dozen tube screamer type overdrives.   It's hard to choose one to use because they all have similar qualities.  I'd be curious to know if anyone has auditioned their pedals of a given type (say overdrives) and contrasted them.  Maybe it comes down to extra features (e.g. diode switches) or some little undefinable sonic signature.  But in the end, is a Plexidrive that much different than an OCD?