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Stone Deaf v.s Ares Audio IT

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Stone Deaf v.s Ares Audio IT

24 posts
Hi dear people.

Stone Deaf- How cooooool are they! Small British company that makes few awesome pedals (by my taste).
Despite that they have started to make amps with and pretty innovative features:
Almost limitless channels/ presets and most importantly digitally controlled valves.
All made in UK, high quality parts and speakers and some sick designs.
http://www.stonedeaffx.com/ check them out.

Ares Audio IT- So Ares audio is also a small company but from Italy. The inventor and creator of all the cool stuff is Mr. Franco an passionate and professional audiophile, guitarist and tone master.
When I saw Stone Deaf, I said to my self: Look man, having a chance to setup you EQ and store it in a different preset gives you very nice opportunity to get rid of some pedals like EQs, Boost, Overdrives...!
Yet Franco was the first one that have made it! His preamp has 3 channels Lead, Crunch and Clean and presets available trough a midi.

I'm glad to hear your thoughts and have in mind that one of them is preamp and the other amp.
