Storing potentiometer settings digitaly...?

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Storing potentiometer settings digitaly...?

Neil mcNasty
Howdy my fellow tweakers!

I had an this idea popping into my head about using a digital memory unit to store multiple settings from potentiometers, with a switch to cycle trough the different settings stored. (I guess 9 settings/steps should be ideal for this)
I'm working on a curcuit that has a lot of different tones and possible settings and I'm looking for a way to make the cuircuit as versitile as possible on the fly.
The idea is quite simple with the potentiometers hooked up to a chip that stores the chosen values and then sends them out trough a dedicated output to the effect board (meaning that the pots are wired via the storage chip on it's way to the circuit board)

Well, here is the thing/my question:
Does anyone know if such a chip excists, or if there is a circuit design floating around that uses something similar?
Any input/idea about how to accomplish this is very welcomed!

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Re: Storing potentiometer settings digitaly...?

Rolf Poti
I don't think there is any simple solution to this, if you are experienced in programming you could probably use an arduino + an ad5206(digital potentiometer) to achieve what you are describing. you would still need to have switches for everypotentiometer to switch between AnalogPot and DigitalPot, This could be done by coding or Analog switches.

If you only have 6 pots or less an Arduino Une Rev3 should work fine since it has 6 analog inputs that could read the Analogpots values, in that case it would be pretty simple to write code that would change the digitalPot once you start tweaking the analogPot. And if not it would just run on the preset.

If i were to do it i would use an arduino because of its simplicity, and i got 2 of them laying around : )
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Re: Storing potentiometer settings digitaly...?

yeah, arduino.  you'll want a rotary encoder to act as your "pot".  it will send info to arduino on it's movements, then arduino can then send the instructions to a digital pot to provide the resistance.  you can then override with presets and have the arduino send a different value to the digital pot unless the rotary encoder is moved and "interrupts".
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A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.