Strymon FLINT

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Strymon FLINT

Hey Guys, anybody already realised  a clone of this ?
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Re: Strymon FLINT

I'm almost certain that all the Strymon stuff is is DSP based? read an article recently about them and one of the guys there is a real DSP geek who gets a kick out of making the DSP sound as organic and engaging as possible.

So the answer would almost certainly be no, because you would need to have access to the code loaded into the chips, which I doubt any manufacturer would be willing to share.

Probably best to consider anything DSP/digital to be a no go for DIY except for maybe non programable delay/reverb/chorus that uses BBD/PT2399/Belton Brick.

The only exceptions to this that I'm aware of are pre loaded chips from the likes of and for their own recent projects, or tap tempo chips such as TAPLFO.

Otherwise, if you are mainly after good sounding tremolo, there are plenty on this site to chose from and most are small enough that you could quite easily put two or three in the same 1590BB box to give you plenty of choice, Schaller/Heartthrob are a good place to start, and a few personal favourites that cover a lot of ground are Swamp Thang, Electric Boogaloo (Variation of Tremulus Lune) and Moosapotamus Skippy.