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Suggestion for new verification of layouts

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Suggestion for new verification of layouts

327 posts
Hello I love this site. I think its fantastic . I would like to suggest that whenever one of us verifies a layout that we post the working voltages . How many times have we all wish we knew the working voltages? Several dozen for me. Ha ha . From now on if I verify or even build a working pedal I am going to post working voltages for the next guy. What do you guys think? It cant hurt right? It wouldn't be a bad thing would it? The only time I see voltages is when there is a problem. A few times I had the same bad readings ha ha. It would be nice to have good known working voltages . I noticed most of Madbeans projects have them . It would make debugging easier for those in need and those trying to help.

Anyway Just trying to suggest improvements.
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Re: Suggestion for new verification of layouts

Ed Nice
84 posts
Knowing working voltages has definitely helped me out in the past. As a slight aside, not knowing them has made me [against my will] read up on various 'black box' components and eventually figure out some of what the circuit should be doing in order for the component to do it's job which has led me to an error.

So yes, pin voltages for stuff would help. Certainly for us non-electronics types and general n00bs (and common all garden eejuts like me :) )
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Re: Suggestion for new verification of layouts

1239 posts
In reply to this post by strassercaster
Yes, this is a great idea, at least for all active components like transistors and ICs.  We could go through the comments of previous posted vero layouts and get some of these for popular builds like the Klon.
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Re: Suggestion for new verification of layouts

1040 posts
I have also made suggestions like this - but to no avail...

Another great idea is to include a BOM in text so you can search for circuits by the components they contain. In most layouts the trans & ICs are listed within the picture only - but nowhere in the text - so you can't look up every layout that uses MPF102s, for example.