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Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

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Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

Greetings folks,
Apologies if this isnt the correct place for this request.
I have just finished populating a board for the WH Saffron Squeeze from this blog, and all looking nice (havent wired up the off-board stuff yet as, for the time being, I prefer to do that once inside a box). I had also drilled out an enclosure (1590B) for all the relevant parts (I had drilled out a batch of 4 enclosures for different effects at once, as I find it easier to lump similar tasks together), but hadnt left enough space for the actual board along with the 'hardware'. Doh. I'll get another enclosure for the Squeeze, but I am left with a drilled enclosure for 2 pots, LED, 3PDT, power and jacks.
So. Can anyone recommend a nice effect that only uses 2 pots with a board smaller than 20x18? Not too fussed what *type* of effect either. Ive already built a Red Llama and a Woodrow, so neither of those :)
Many thanks!
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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

Swamp thang tremolo.....if you dont mind hotwiring the switch.
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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

One of the other boards I have populated (but not boxed) is a tremelo (Tremulus Lune 5-knob), but I certainly would have a go at another. Skimming the comments section, there are a few folk who had problems with the build, but hopefully that wont be too much of a problem. And I also see that the colour of LED effects the rate - an option for another switch perhaps?
This might be a daft question, but what do you mean by 'hotwiring' with regard to the switch? (Sorry, am a newbie at this game).

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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

In reply to this post by Kalimna
Ge giant, acceleron fuzz, fuzz face, tonebender mkii, eqd speaker cranker add a diode switch.
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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

Cheers for the further suggestions. Im going to stay away from anything germanium, as i dont have any and id rather not have to put another order in!

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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal


Harmonic percolator
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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

In reply to this post by Kalimna
Out of the two knob pedals I've built I recommend the following:

+1 for the Harmonic Percolator

also Jordan Bosstone, Red Llama, the Scrambler, and the Mongoose.
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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

The OP says he doesn't want to use Ge transistors and already built the Llama

There are about a million fuzzes that spring to mind for me.

A really simple 2 knob non-fuzz build that I love is the Magnavibe
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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

Oh, my bad on the Llama. How about the Acapulco Gold? The version here has 2 knobs.

To be fair, the Percolator, although it has ge transistor, worked no problem for me--unlike the positive ground designs which defy me.
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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

+1 for the EQD Speaker Cranker, Swamp Thang and Magna Vibe

I'd also suggest DOD OD-250, Jordan Vico Vibe (Possibly with an LPB-1 + trimmer to boost the level back to unity)
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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

I just built the Magnavibe, it's a great alternative to a standard trem.
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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

Thanks for all the suggestions - I now have a few spare enclosures, so I reckon there are quite a few I'll try out.
The only reason I wasnt keen on using germanium transistors is that I was trying to keep to whatever components I already had without resorting to another eBay order....
Magnavibe and Bosstone in particular look interesting :)

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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

Those are both great choices, I highly recommend both!
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Re: Suggestions for a 2-knob pedal

Rightyo, I have built up a Magnavibe, and amazingly it seemed to work the first time (once I had sorted out a grounding issue between jack socket and one of the pots). A very, very subtle effect that I am putting down to me being impatient and not waiting for the appropriate LDR to arrive in the post (should be 5/20M - I used a leftover from a Tremulus Lune which is a 5/500k). However, I socketed both the LED, transistors and LDR so it shouldnt be too much of an issue to replace.

A question - what would be the likely effect of changing the MPSA18 for another transistor? Is it even something worth playing around with?

Here's a couple of photo's of my build. I think I am getting neater at the lead dress, but how to fit a battery in there too is an absolute mystery!
