Suggestions where I've gone wrong on this build?

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Suggestions where I've gone wrong on this build?

Hey folks,

I've put together a ProCo Rat and the volume has to be around 2 o'clock and gain has to be more than 50% to get any sound out of the pedal. The bypass works fine. The sound from the pedal though is distortion, but sounds muffled, or like a tone knob would sound if turned all the way down.

I've checked for bridges and there aren't any, as well as have double-checked the parts on the board and links/cuts.

Any idea where I start? I'm new to "debugging" a build. :)

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Re: Suggestions where I've gone wrong on this build?

Hey tonecut -- I've only built about 15 boards, but when I've had this problem, I usually have a transistor backwards, or I've accidentally attached one of my pot wires to the wrong row. Double check both of those items. Also, as always -- post some high-res pics so we can see what's up. Thanks!