Swapping MAX1044 for ICL7660SCPAZ?

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Swapping MAX1044 for ICL7660SCPAZ?

Frederic Erikson
Hello there, Thinking of the Robert Keeley's OxBlood pedal, I'd like to know whether few people experienced replacing the switched capacitor voltage converter MAX1044 by an ICL7660. If so, does it imply any change in the Oxblood vero? https://tagboardeffects.blogspot.fr/2015/09/keeley-oxblood.html I thank you all for your help because MAX1044 is unavailable in my country and I'm very interested in this pedal.
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Re: Swapping MAX1044 for ICL7660SCPAZ?

hey man. the ICL7660s can directly replace the MAX1044, so no changes need to be made to the layout. you want to make sur its a ICL7660s not ICL7660. the ICL7660 will give oscillations and not work right.
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Re: Swapping MAX1044 for ICL7660SCPAZ?

Frederic Erikson
Thank you very much. I've just built the Oxblood with one ICL7660S. The pedal works but its sound differs a bit from the genuine original version. Too bad! Thanks again.