Switch Popping

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Switch Popping

Okay, so I've run into this problem for again. With my Tiger Boost (and the Heart Throb Trem), I get loud pops when turning the pedal on and off. It comes and goes. If I keep clicking the pedals on and off, the pop get louder, then quieter, then its gone, then comes back again.

I've tried adding 3m-10m resistors in a variety of different way to the switch. None of these work at all:

1. Resistor to Input Lug and Ground Lug
2. Resistor to Output Lug and Ground Lug
3. Reistor to LED Lug and Ground Lug.

Is there anything else I can try? Of all the pedals I've ever built, its only these two that have had severe popping issues like this. Any ideas or help would be appreciated! Thanks!
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Re: Switch Popping

Also, I have no idea why, but my name on this forum sometimes says Kinski and sometimes says Rooo. Anyway, I am both of these.
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Re: Switch Popping

Try putting a 1M resistor from the circuit input lug to the ground lug of your switch. That's solved it every time for me on a few different pedals. Not from the input jack, but the circuit input.
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Re: Switch Popping

Thats what I have done, input lug on switch to ground lug on switch, no help. Did the same with the output lug, nothing. And LED lug...