Switchable Boost + Effects Order Switch (Ambitious Project)

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Switchable Boost + Effects Order Switch (Ambitious Project)

Hey there guys! So I have a couple of projects lined up that would require both switchable boost wiring from offboard page here on tagboard effects and the Beavis effects order switch wiring. As my first project, I built a Proco Rat with BMP Tonestack (with separate footswitch) which gives me great versatility. It was an ambitious project for a newb but I think challenging yourself is the way to learn.

SO NOW, I'm on a similar venture figuring out how to build a Dunlop JH-F1 Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face together with Electro Harmonix LPB1. Now, from what I've read having boost in front of a fuzz and after is quite different. Before fuzz it'd boost the gain but not the volume and after it'd boost the actual volume. I thought, why not have both? So this is where I'm having an issue. I'd like to combine both Switchable Boost and Beavis Effects Order Switch. Would it even be possible?

If it is possible then I would be glad to take it even further with another dual effect pedal (Big Muff + NPN Fuzz Face) - The Muff Face. I got inspiration for this from Retroman Sybil pedal. I'd like to have series of switches that would allow the following: 1. Order Switch (which one goes first and which goes second) 2. Series/Parallel switch which would allow me to either run one into another or have them both blended together in parallel (thinking of Guitar and Bass Paralooper). I think this parallel mixer may also require a phase inverter switch... 3. If possible at all, have both stomps for Fuzz Face and Muff wired as Switchable Boost.

I know this second project sounds incredibly complicated and almost crazy, but hey, The Retroman Sybil exists which means it is definitely possible! Let me know what your thoughts are on this and if you think I should call a psychiatric hospital
aka Dead Eye
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Re: Switchable Boost + Effects Order Switch (Ambitious Project)

Riiiight. So I've been working on this idea once in a while and finally, I'm getting somewhere. At first I thought it'd be near impossible for me to figure this out but even though it is quite confusing, I'm starting to get a grip on this project.

Beavis Audio is down so I'm basing the effects order switching on his layout found here. I'm omitting the 4th row of the switch because I'll use a 3PDT toggle which won't require LEDs.

I also ditched the idea of having everything hooked up as a switchable boost, instead I'll just be using normal offboard wiring. Less hassle and just makes more sense.
I've been looking around for a good mixer/blender which would include a phase inverter and found one on guitarpcb.com. It's called Paramix and I've seen quite a few people recommend this circuit. It does more than what I need so I'll have some questions about it below, I'll also try contacting the website themselves for some opinion.

Right, so at the moment I am working on a Fuzz Face with EHX boost which will include an order switcher toggle. But through this I've been putting together a wiring diagram for A Muff Face (or you can call it Fuzzy Muff, whatever man!). It'll include order switch for running them in series AND a mode to have them in parallel. Check out the wiring diagram below and tell me what you think. Would it work?!

It's not perfect by any means so I've got a couple of questions. Here goes:
1. The Looper switch output seems a bit dodgy to me. When it's in the ON position, the output of both dirt circuits will go to the looper instead of their respective 3pdts and from there to the order switcher OUT Jack lug (or it could simply go right into the output jack tip). When it's in the off position the outputs of dirt circuits function as normal BUT the output of the Looper is just left hanging there... I was trying to figure out a way to ground it somehow but I can't think of anything that wouldn't ground out the actual Output of the whole thing altogether...
2. The Paramix looper offers a few connections. It's designed to work as a standalone pedal. It's got Input, Output, Send, Return, Insert In and Insert Out connections. I obviously don't need to use the Send connection as I want to use it as a mixer rather than a looper. But my main issue is whether I should use the actual INPUT pad of the circuit or the Insert In pad. Last thing I wanna do is waste a perfectly good circuit by messing up my connections.

Anyways, sorry for long post but I hope this helps anyone looking at making similar things. Cool thing, with the Paramix I probably could even include an option to split the signal into two as well as have all the functions mentioned above. Sick! Let me know what you guys think. I might as well be mad...
aka Dead Eye