Switching Between Two Valve Amps

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Switching Between Two Valve Amps

Hey guys, I was looking for a solution where I can switch between two valve amps while both going into one speaker box and found this thread...


I just have a couple of questions about the project which I would love some help with if possible.

The thread linked to above is for a Solid Sate / Valve amp combination where as my situation is for two valve amps so would I need a different wiring set up?

Also, their is a link to some 8 Ohm 8r 25w Watt Power Metal Resistors, but the resistors used in the build were 15ohm, so I am assuming that running the two 15ohm resistors in parallel brought the ohm down to 7.5(8ish) which would suit an 8ohm speaker cab, am I correct in this assumption?

Also, I am looking at getting a higher wattage amp in the future and was hoping to build the switch using 50w resistors instead so would these be a suitable option...


and finally... the switch used in the thread linked to is a 5a dpdt, is that a foot switch or toggle? I can't seem to find a dpdt footswitch with a rating more than 3a. Sorry for my lack of knowledge on the subject but I am still very green in terms of the workings of amps, ohms, etc...etc... basically anything electrical.

My setup at the moment is a 20w JTM45 clone, a BWM princeton clone and a 300w Hiwatt 2x12 which is currently wired up to 4ohm but will rewire it to 8ohm once I get this all up and running.

Thanks for your any help and advice.