Switching Question

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Switching Question

I plan on building a dual effect, delay into reverb. Each with its own 3PDT.

I'd like to add a toggle switch that would allow for two different modes:
1. The delay and reverb would be in series, and each circuit could be turned on/off individually.
2. The delay and reverb are in series, but the reverb 3PDT would be a master on/off so that even with the delay engaged, the entire pedal would be bypassed by the Reverb 3PDT.

No LED indicator is needed for the toggle.

I was trying to figure this out but my brain melted. Anyone know how to wire this up?
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Re: Switching Question

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Think of it like this: you want to toggle the bypass of the 2nd effect.  So where would you put that toggle, and where do you want the two positions to draw their input from?

Sounds like you want this (CORRECTED):
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Switching Question

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Re: Switching Question

Hmm, just looking this over once again.  The one issue I'm seeing here is that if your first circuit was engaged, but your second was bypassed, and you were in "master bypass" mode, your guitar signal would experience the same type of tone suck as a entry level wah pedal.  Your guitar would be loaded down since your signal would be seeing both the bypass AND the 1st circuits impedence at the same time.

Not sure if there's a way around that, I'll think it over some more.  Putting a buffer in front of this would certainly cure the problem, but at the cost of no longer being a true bypass pedal.
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Switching Question

Ok, got it figured, updated the picture in my first post.
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Switching Question

Wow, thanks for this! Much appreciated!