Switching between preamps - TB Looper 5?

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Switching between preamps - TB Looper 5?


I have a Super Bassman amp and I just got a new preamp pedal (Meatsmoke).  I'd like to be able to switch between the Bassman pre and the Meatsmoke while having pedals before and after them.  Would I use the TB Looper 5 for that purpose?  

Guitar into some pedals, that pedal chain runs to looper in, one loop to Bassman amp in / send, one loop to Meatsmoke in / out, output of looper into another pedal chain, that chain into Bassman return.  

My guitar runs into a Boss GEB7 EQ which has a buffer so AFAIK, I don't need the buffer on the Looper 5.

Is there a simpler design for me to use or is this the best one?


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Re: Switching between preamps - TB Looper 5?

Going to try this design out: