Switching poping on OCD

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Switching poping on OCD

Hey guys, i finished an OCD (v3) this morning which works fine, except for a strong poping when switching.
I verified my 1M resistor from intput to ground, then disconected the LED and still have the same exact issue
Could it be a bad 3pdt ?
Any idea what else it could be ?
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Re: Switching poping on OCD

Try a 100K pulldown resistor at the output.  Move the bottom 10u cap 4 holes to the right so it's directly below the 33K resistor, then put a 100K resistor from the Vol 3 row to the Vol 1 row at the bottom and see if that helps.  Failing that, disconnect the indication LED and see if you're still getting the pop.
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Re: Switching poping on OCD

Hey Mark, thanks for your answer
Unfortunately that didn't work, I socketed the resistor and tried 100k and 1M with no luck (LED being disconnected).
I don't know if this is of any importance, but the pop gets louder when increasing the pedal volume pot while the guitar vol pot has no effect on it, would that indeed locate the problem at the output ?
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Re: Switching poping on OCD

It was a long shot with the volume pot being there anyway but worth a try.  Apart from that a pop is likely to originate from a faulty cap or maybe a poor connection somewhere, so you're going to have to start eliminating the possibilities and swapping caps maybe
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Re: Switching poping on OCD

Yes, that's what I was thinking too
I guess I should start with the 22n at the input and the 10ยต at the out
Thank very much for your help !
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Re: Switching poping on OCD

Last time I had a bad pop it ended up being that I had placed the output cap incorrectly. I had 4.5v DC coming through my output jack which made everything jump when engaged.

Not sure if it's the same for you, but worth checking your output with a DMM.
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Re: Switching poping on OCD

Thanks Jopn
Just checked, with volume maxed I have 4.25V on the + lead of the output cap but only 3.5mv on the output.
Must be something else