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Switching question

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Switching question

80 posts
Hi guys,

Quick and probably stupid question about switching: I have a NYC Big Muff which I heavily modded. One of the mods was switches for both the diode pairs. Switches are DPDT and wired like this:

Now, I want to experiment with putting in another pair of diodes (so three options: first pair, no diodes, second pair). Is this the way of wiring it with an on/off/on switch?

One way or another it feels slightly off. Doesn't there have to be a link in the no-diodes-position? Because of the capacitor connected to the diodes I was thinking that, if the switch is in the middle position, the capacitor's other leg isn't connected to anything?

I hope you guys understand what I'm getting at, and I hope that my question isn't that stupid. :-)
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Re: Switching question

Ciaran Haslett
590 posts
Your diagram is correct.  Lifting the diodes essentially mimics the first gain stage.  It's fine if the cap is left floating.  There's no DC at the base anymore so no need for it.  So...do not link lugs 2 and 5.

The link between lugs 3 and 6 (first diagram) puts the 2 caps in parallel increasing the total capacitance in the gain stage (C1 + C2).
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Re: Switching question

80 posts
Of course! I could have figured that out if I looked at the schematic on the Kit Rae site where every part is explained. Dumb me.

Thanks for the quick reply though! :)