Switchless Pedals

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Switchless Pedals

So I've built a switchless buffer and I'm guessing I've wired it up incorrectly, I built the Cornish Buffer first and did not get signal and I've replaced that circuit with another JFET circuit and get the same thing.  I'm wondering what the best offboard wiring is for a switchless pedal, I pretty much followed the basic offboard wiring diagram from this site and excluded the switch.
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Re: Switchless Pedals

I think there's only one way to do it. Input jack to effect in, effect out to Output jack. No?
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Re: Switchless Pedals

I've got that going on, what about grounding?  I've got a wire going between the input and output jacks, another wire going from the input jack to the ground lug of the AC jack then another going from AC jack to the ground of the the circuit.
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Re: Switchless Pedals

That sounds right to me. That's the way I would do it. Then again I am no expert. Did the circuit work before you boxed it? Maybe offboard wiring is not your problem here.
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Re: Switchless Pedals

I didn't test, figured it would work with at least one of these verified boards.  I'll post pics later.
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Re: Switchless Pedals

Following a verified layout doesn't guarantee results by itself. I've build about 20 effects now and still my last build wouldn't work on first try. Misplaced components, wrong wiring and most of the time tiny, not visible solder bridges on your vero can cause a headache.
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Re: Switchless Pedals

Agreed. A verified layout means it should work as advertised. If yours does not work, it suggests that you have an error somewhere in your build. So check your cuts and links, component placement and values, and as Zanius suggests, check for solder bridges, dry joints or wiring shorts.

Post some photos on the "De-bugging" page, and we can see if we can spot anything wrong.
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Re: Switchless Pedals

will do!