T1M The Dropout

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T1M The Dropout

"The dropout takes a pedal that is in the effects loop of another pedal or an amp and then puts it back in your signal chain."

Here's a photo of it:

So it's just a matter of a 3PDT or 4PDT switch. Can anyone work it out?

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Re: T1M The Dropout

Would this work?
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: T1M The Dropout

To be perfectly honest, I'm not too good with switches and when it comes to something like this, I'm not sure. I'd love a second opinion on this?
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Re: T1M The Dropout

Hey Geiri,

Ok, I think (MAYBE?) I've got this sorted. Sorry the diagram is a bit messy. But from what I'm reading, you are basically inserting an effect into your signal chain OR inserting it into a loop.

From Loop ---> EFFECT ----> To loop
            IN ------------------> OUT


From Loop -------------------> To loop
            IN ----> EFFECT----> OUT

so I had to do a true-bypass style crossover on the switch to keep the non-effected chain connected. I'm sure i have some error here, so double check me! I figure you've got to have a 4PDT to insert an LED... looks like T1M only has one, but I'd add a second so it was easy to remember what the LED means...

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Re: T1M The Dropout

I know it shouldn't be difficult but I can't wrap my head around this one.

So the switch takes the pedal (or series of pedals) and puts it into an FX loop or into your chain (where the ins and outs are on the dropout pedal).

When it's in the FX Loop of for example an amp, the ins and outs of the dropout pedal should literally connect straight to each other, and nothing else because the pedal is in the FX loop and already receiving a signal through that.

When you take the pedal and put it into your chain again, the in goes to the pedal and return goes to the output.
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Re: T1M The Dropout

Yeah man, that's how I understand it. Think of the fx loop as one channel, and your signal chain as another channel. So you're just inserting the effect in one channel or the other, and providing continuity to the channel that is not selected.
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Re: T1M The Dropout

In reply to this post by Geiri
Oh, I think I see what you are after. Do you want to A/B compare a whole chain of effects in two different positions of your setup? And maybe even have the alternate be in the amp's effect loop instead of your pedal board effect loop? And maybe even have a 2nd stomp to kill off the loop completely? Something like this?
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Re: T1M The Dropout

Mojo, yeah, I think that's the intended use... it also might be used in the effects loop of a delay like a timeline. And that fx loop might also have other effects in it.
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Re: T1M The Dropout

In reply to this post by Geiri
Hey Geiri,

Ever have any luck with this?