TC Electronic - Sustain + Parametric EQ

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TC Electronic - Sustain + Parametric EQ

Hey All,

I currently use a Mad Prof Forest Green for my comp needs and I'm pretty happy with it... I've been in the market for a parametric EQ and stumbled across this, the TC S+pEQ:


And here's the factory schem:

The vero has been verified.

What I'd really love is to be able to dis/engage the EQ and comp sections independently. I'm not at the point with my schem/vero skills yet to be able to take this on myself.. I was hoping someone here could provide some insight.

Does this circuit lend itself to easily being split this way? I'm hoping it's as easy as inserting a switch somewhere, like the circuit is cut-and-dry just an EQ into a Comp, or vice versa... instead of the comp and EQ circuits being entangled making this mod impossible.

Any insight appreciated!! thank you guys
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Re: TC Electronic - Sustain + Parametric EQ

Hey everyone.. don't mean to clog the top of the news feed, I won't bump this again, I was just hoping someone could provide me some advise regarding my inquiry. If anyone has any ideas I would be so grateful.

Thanks guys