TC Electronics Hall of Fame Reverb & Poly Tuner

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TC Electronics Hall of Fame Reverb & Poly Tuner

Has someone produced this one yet? Not the mini
Thanks all!
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: TC Electronics Hall of Fame Reverb & Poly Tuner

Both are digital signal processing, not clonable unless you manage to reverse engineer the computer coding used to program the chips.
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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RE: TC Electronics Hall of Fame Reverb & Poly Tuner

I had no idea. Now I feel silly for asking😑

Keep well,


From: [hidden email]
Sent: β€Ž7/β€Ž19/β€Ž2014 8:29 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: TC Electronics Hall of Fame Reverb & Poly Tuner

Both are digital signal processing, not clonable unless you manage to reverse engineer the computer coding used to program the chips.

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Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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RE: TC Electronics Hall of Fame Reverb & Poly Tuner

No worries.  It would we wicked if we had more of an active DIY DSP crowd.  I just grabbed the parts for building my own arduino board in hopes of putting together a tuner.  Not confident I'll get very far (more based on my attention span, lol).
Q: Why is a drummer like a scud missile?
A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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RE: TC Electronics Hall of Fame Reverb & Poly Tuner

LOL understood. Let me know how it goes. I am curious about this Arduino stuff and how it could work with pedals.

Keep well,


From: [hidden email]
Sent: β€Ž7/β€Ž19/β€Ž2014 12:44 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: RE: TC Electronics Hall of Fame Reverb & Poly Tuner

No worries.  It would we wicked if we had more of an active DIY DSP crowd.  I just grabbed the parts for building my own arduino board in hopes of putting together a tuner.  Not confident I'll get very far (more based on my attention span, lol).

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Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.