TRS Expression Box - 1 In 4 Out

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TRS Expression Box - 1 In 4 Out

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I would like to build a box I can plug the TRS output from my expression pedal into and control expression parameters on up to four different effects either simultaneously or separately via stomp switches. I hunted for a vero layout without any luck but I did find the schematic below. Could someone assist me in turning this idea into a vero layout or drawing? I feel like this would be a great addition to the utility section of the site and was surprised I couldn't find one already done.
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Re: TRS Expression Box - 1 In 4 Out

That's only going to work on effects that are expecting a similar control voltage.

It wouldn't work on any passive analog expression control, which is what is used in the majority of analog pedals.... for that you'll have to dive into the world of digital potentiometer ICs.