Tagboard layouts

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Tagboard layouts

More and more I enjoy building small circuit effects on terminal strips rather than veros, they are very pleasant to solder and look great IMO.
So I'd like to see more of them on this site, like it was at the beginning.
For example next on my list would be the Naga Viper treble boost.
For those of you who are used to draw tagboard layouts from schematics, do you have tips and tricks on how you do it ?
It seems very simple at first glance but not that much actually I find
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Re: Tagboard layouts

i haven't built anything on tagboard yet, but will be building an amp using turrets (same basic thing). i agree that conceptually it seems easy to make a layout, but i sat with the amp schematic for a few hours and still can't figure it out. i would love to know how to take a schematic and create a tagboard/turrentboard layout too.

btw, i think mark had mentioned the idea of having an amp turretboard section.
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Re: Tagboard layouts

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Yes an amp section would also be nice, but more complicated due to the power section of a tube amp

So, from the vero layout I redrew the schematic of the Naga Viper :

And then from there I tried to figure a tagboard layout (note that I added anti pop inpuy & output resistors)
Could you guys take a look at it, tell me if it's correct and how I can maybe arrange it better ?
Thanks !
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Re: Tagboard layouts

Yes that layout looks good to me.

The power section of the amps would be no more complicated to any other tube layouts.  You'll have wires going off the the tube sockets and other offboard components like the transformers, but turrets, tags and eyelets can easily take the voltages so there's not a problem in their capability or physically mounting the board components.

The main problem that as I see it is that there are voltages that can kill you and so I automatically get a bit more apprehensive of showing someone who may not fully appreciate the risks, build something which could hurt them or worse.

If I ever do them, then I think I'd want to do a few safety guides first to emphasise the dangers more than I need to with these 9V pedals
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Re: Tagboard layouts

Thanks Mark
So the best way to do it I think is to start where there are the most connections (transistor base here) and try to arrange things arround the best possible.
I would have liked to avoid having 2 ground connections for example, but 6 columns isn't too bad I guess

Turrets are the easiest part in tube amp building, PT OT and tube wiring is the tricky part IMO
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Re: Tagboard layouts

Yes I'd always put the transistor lug with the most connections in the centre, giving you the highest number of potential points of connection around it, and usually that will mean E, B, C from left to right.  It's nice to keep the collector on the right so you can continue the circuit more easily to the next stage, whereas the emitter is usually grounded or grounded via a resistor and so over to the left keeps it out of the way.  Unless the stage is a buffer stage of course, then the reverse is true.

You won't avoid the multiple ground (and even supply) connections apart from in the most simple circuit, it's impossible unless you put components over components which would look crap, but that's the same with some very expensive PTP amps which always have daisy chained ground connections along the length of the board.  It doesn't look bad though, you can tell what it is when it's all built up.
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Re: Tagboard layouts

Ok great I'll order mojo parts and build it like that
Next on the list is the Meathead deluxe
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Re: Tagboard layouts

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Mark, which software do you use to draw your tagboards layouts ?
DIYLC don't seem to have this kind of boards

Edit : so actually it seems you are using diylc, did you draw your own template ?

Edit 2 : ok forget it, I figured how to create my own template (sometimes I should think first and if needed ask after...)
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Re: Tagboard layouts

I use DIYLC V2 beta and made the tagboard template up from the board and eyelet symbols
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Re: Tagboard layouts

Yup !
Here's my layout, I'll post it in the contribution section once verified

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Re: Tagboard layouts

Excellent, nice job