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Taming volume of a pedal

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Taming volume of a pedal

610 posts
Hey guys,

i was wondering how to go about the following:

I made an EP Booster for a friend. He loves it, but although he wanted it to be a booster in the first place, he just loves what it does to his signal, and wants it to be a 'most of the time on' pedal.

Because of this, the volume boost it gives when being CCW is a bit too much. What would be the way to lessen the output volume?

The pedal is boxed and I'm not sure how much I could change, but if it's a simple mod..

Would it be as simple as upping a resistor, for instance the 100R before output, or am I totally wrong about where to look?

Preferably without changing too much of the character.
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Re: Taming volume of a pedal

487 posts
So....., even if fully turned down it still gives a volume boost? In which case I would say add a volume trimpot at the board's output. Even better yet, turn the boost pot also into a trimpot, set both trimpots for the right amount of unity gain and the pedal can be most of the time on.
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Re: Taming volume of a pedal

610 posts

It can be so simple :)

The pedal is boxed, painted etc already. So I will leave the boost-knob for what it is. Will add the trimpot just before the output to ground. Thanks again!