Tap Tempo

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Tap Tempo


Interested in Tap Tempo - has anyone done anything with it in DIY?

Is the TapTation the only way to do it? (and is that available anywhere cheaper than diystompboxes?)

If you have done it, which circuit(s) have you done it with?

How does it work? - is TapTation some kind of microcontroller watching i/o pins for a tap and then outputting that in a way the PT2399 chips can understand?


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Re: Tap Tempo

I've tried the Taptation once. Didn't like it. I've got a spare pair of the taptation chips. You can have it halfprice if you want?

The tap works. I don't suggest trying to change tempo while playing because the delay time jumps while you're at it and it takes about 1-2 seconds for it to lock in the tempo after tapping it. The modulation sounds great but the depth pot should be a MUCH lower value as it goes way too deep to be usable.

Here's a video of the one I built:
YouTube Link