Teeneh tineh guitar pedals *squee!*

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Teeneh tineh guitar pedals *squee!*

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Re: Teeneh tineh guitar pedals *squee!*

Arggh... condemn thee to hell this sorcery of creation!... I want to put it on a key ring. No!...I don't care if it's better, no!.. stop shrinking our stuff... but it would make me feel like Iron Man playing one so.....
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Re: Teeneh tineh guitar pedals *squee!*

About time others started making smaller wah pedals. Maybe it made sense in the 60's to have these huge ass wah pedals when the total number of available effects could be counted on the fingers of one hand and pedal boards were unheard of. But in this day and age smaller is better. I have been using the AMT WH-1 for years. Perfect size for a wah pedal if you ask me. Even better with top mounts for an even smaller pedal board foot print. Which I guess is probably the next step most pedal designers have to make.

Whoever rocked that tiny wah pedal in that vid probably has to stop using long pointy shoes though.
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Re: Teeneh tineh guitar pedals *squee!*

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Re: Teeneh tineh guitar pedals *squee!*

Sorry, but a wah pedal is all about the feel of the pedal for me.  If I can't comfortably rock and control the pedal standing up, then the circuit and sound are irrelevant.  I prefer a full size wah (and volume) pedal for my foot, so this would not work for me.
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Re: Teeneh tineh guitar pedals *squee!*

Never had that problem with my AMT wah and volume pedal. So I guess what doesn't work for some....

In the end A: you don't have to use a smaller wah and B: what's wrong with finally getting some choice? A whole industry has evolved around 1590A sized pedals and even smaller but for wahs for some reason we still have to have elephant sized pedals? Hell, you could probably still field a decent sized foot rocker (I saw one that had foldable extensions on the front and the back for bigger feet) on a smaller sized enclosure. Who says that the enclosure housing the board, pot and battery has to be even bigger then the rocker? Tradition? Because some guy in the 60's designed it as such?

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Re: Teeneh tineh guitar pedals *squee!*

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the size of your foot will still be on your pedal board while rocking a little wah. For me it looks like I'd be stomping on other pedals while trying to rock back and forth that little thing.

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Re: Teeneh tineh guitar pedals *squee!*

My first thought as well.  Doesn't save any space, just looks silly and probably less precision as a result of the smaller treadplate.  It would look hilarious if the guys from KISS dropped their giant platform shoes down on this lil guy though.