Temporary Pot Value Fix

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Temporary Pot Value Fix

I'm planning on boxing my BAT Black Forest and Ritual in the same box. I'm planning on adding a gain control to the Ritual so I need to swap the 1k resistor to a 1k pot. Unfortunately I don't have one at the moment. I do have a few 10k's so I was thinking that putting a 1k resistor in parallel to the 10k pot should give me roughly 1k. I dont have really any build plans so I didn't want to put any orders in so would this be a good idea for a temporary fix or just leave it for now.
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Re: Temporary Pot Value Fix

Might be wrong on this one, but adding a resistor in parallel should work but the caveat being that the response of the pot will change (ie if the pot is linear you'll get a log or rev-log response curve), which might make it harder to nail the sweet spot, but should do as a temporary fix.

In fact while you are trying that out, it might be worth trying with a 2k2 in parallel as many people like having a 2k pot instead of 1k to control the fuzz level on FF-type circuits... You never know!
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Re: Temporary Pot Value Fix

I believe the rule is this - find the two "working leads" (sometimes pots are wired so the setting between lugs 2 & 3 is what matters, if 1 goes to ground, for example).

Then - if you add the same value resistor as the pot (say both are 50k) then you are cutting the value of the pot in half (parallel resistors), so it becomes a 25k pot.

Also, I am pretty sure you will make a log pot into linear, but not the other way around, because a standard resistor can only be linear - never log. So linear will stay linear, and log will become linear.