Tenebrion Reverb - Tone and adding time knob ??

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Tenebrion Reverb - Tone and adding time knob ??

Tune Tone
its the 3rd time I'm building this reverb which sounds pretty stunning. all of the 3 projects I build wiht this circuits had a long reverb time brick. Still Im wondering how is it possible to blend in the circuit a time poti that will control the time of the reverb tail ??

Another issue Im noticing is that in 2 / 3 cases I've built the effect, the Tone function was barely changing the tone character of the effect, or as it is doing in the most relevent case I'm dealing with - it does nothing at all. What can I change in the circuit that will lead to a more aggressive and remarkable tone changes  ??

thanks a lot for the support

Heres the layout we are dealing with once again:
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Re: Tenebrion Reverb - Tone and adding time knob ??

Tune Tone
Another strange thing:
The Verb poti when its on 0 mostly you just have to hear a clean signal, in other words its sort of a mix function.
 In my case I first have to strike hard a few chords. Probably to "wake up" something in my circuit. Only then the Verb functions correctly. Otherwise when its on loe setting or 0, you dont hear much of the signal.
I'm sure it's a tepical problem that indicates a bad part or something, don't know which though. I tried replacing the poti itself so it's not about it I can asure.
Any ideas ??
