The 10 million mark

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The 10 million mark

Just noticed that the page views have now reached the 10 million mark. I am not surprised though this site has given me a new lease of life and i am eternally greatful to all that have contributed to this site. The biggest thanks has to go to Mark and Miro the guys that have kept us all inundated with the most fantastic amount of pedalmania. And you no what my goal is to build as many as i can. Cheers Guys.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: The 10 million mark

Pun intended?

...I'll get me coat...
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Re: The 10 million mark

The 10,000,000 IvIark
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Re: The 10 million mark

I noticed it was close just a couple days ago - but still a good 2000 away. That was pretty fast advance.

I also have to say that the more I come here the more I am just astounded at the dedication put in by Mark (1st) and Miro (next) and all the rest of the people who come here and contribute layouts and other advice all the time.  It has been a very selfless act by these people to make all of these layouts available to use in a form where we don't have to buy any PCBs, etc.

Not only is it more fun this way, it is also a bigger challenge, and it's far more educational. My gratitude is really and sincerely full, and I hope you guys have enjoyed doing it as much as all of us have enjoyed experiencing it.
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Re: The 10 million mark

Silver Blues
Oh yeah man, I'm sure I speak for the majority of us when I say that I enjoy the ever-living shit out of all of this. Pedal building is an awesome hobby. I'm in a field that's mostly brain work and while I love that too I also love making things with my own two hands. Even just the task of soldering is enjoyable, I'd probably even do it for stress relief if it wasn't kind of needless and wasteful to do so. Seeing that you've wrought a professional-looking product of your own volition and creativity is an amazing feeling. We have a small but very tight-knit community, which I love because I've lived in that situation pretty much all my life. It's so nice that everyone is driven by the same passion and is always eager to share information and assistance. Even though I think I'm pretty knowledgeable, I've come to realize I don't really know anything - I seriously learn something new every time I come here, and I come here a lot.

So yes thanks to Mark and Miro and everyone else whose efforts made this hobby as great as it is.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: The 10 million mark

don't think i could have said it better myself silver. what we have here is very special and we are lucky to have it. not to mention that fact of how close we are, is very unique is this day in age. when you really think about it we have everyone from people just getting into building all the way up to professional builders all working together and helping eat other.

i raise a glass to mark, miro, and all my other brothers of the iron here.
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Re: The 10 million mark

In reply to this post by Silver Blues
" Even though I think I'm pretty knowledgeable, I've come to realize I don't really know anything - I seriously learn something new every time I come here, and I come here a lot."

My sentiments exactly Silver. It's a Zen thing - the more you think you know, the the less you realise that you actually do know.

Sincerest thanks from me to Mark, Miro and to all of you.
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Re: The 10 million mark

Happy 10e6!
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Re: The 10 million mark

In reply to this post by Beaker

am saluting the twin camps of mark and miro in the roman style. many thanks for a great hang out.