Yesterday I released a small mini-project called the "8-Bitar".
It's a minimalistic octave down pedal with a glitchy and gated 8-bit sound.
Kinda like a super light Arcadiator for the mini-pedal board. :)
It's very loud, so I recommend putting a 4.7K resistor in series with the output (between the "Level 3" output on the board and the pot). The vero layout is a bit bigger than the PCB, so it probably won't fit a 1590A, but still a small and very simple build (which was the point of this project). :)
Are there any mods possible for those who want more knobs? Sorry for this question its just that I dont have the slightest idea of how to circuit bend or anything
Are there any mods possible for those who want more knobs? Sorry for this question its just that I dont have the slightest idea of how to circuit bend or anything
I'm glad you like it. :)
You could replace the 47K resistor with a 250K pot (as a variable resistor). It will change the schmitt trigger threshold, from being very sensitive and glitchy when barely touching the strings, to very gated and controlled. But that's about it.
If you want a similar sound with more controls I recommend building the Arcadiator. :)
/ Fredrik
check out my building blog at