The Real Mctube

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The Real Mctube

Anybody remember "the Real McTube" ?  It was designed and built by Fred Nachbauer in the 90's.   Tube driver powered by back to back wall warts and running a 12ax7,   I believe.  I have the schem if anybody is interested.  A stripboard layout WOULD be nice.
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Re: The Real Mctube

Can you post the schematic on here?I maybe someone would try to convert it to Vero.
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Re: The Real Mctube

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
yessssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!do it! i'll make it!
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Re: The Real Mctube

In reply to this post by jbltwin1
fred was pretty open about his design: schematic and parts list there, and tonepad has a pcb layout of it rip fred!
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Re: The Real Mctube

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
it's pretty much like a valve caster...

i don't see something difficult at all...i find it really funny too for everybody to try it by himself. it's just values changing and some pot arrangements. it would be a nice project to get closer to the "from schem to vero" thing as we already have both schems to compare and a vero from Mark.
and's easier to write the changes that we could do in nalvecaster layout than to redraw the hole layout!

i could draw this layout pretty easy if someone needed this really really much and couldn't even try it himself, but not the power supply part.
anyone else maybe with much more experience could draw that one...

i would never take that risk killing somebody!!!
so...if there is someone who wants it let me know...
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Re: The Real Mctube

I Do,I'm newer to the vero builds but have been working on high power electronics for over 20 years.This project is deffinetly not for anyone that is new to this type of build.The Real McTube is actualy a real pregain from a real tube amp.Wich means it CAN kill you if you do not know what you are doing.I already have the power supply built and would love to have the other half built on vero.I'm sure if i tried,I could make a vero of it but it would probly be my email is glasspak73@yahoo If you would rather not post this vero up on site,hope to hear back from you....
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Re: The Real Mctube

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
here you are mate!


hope you'll show us the power stage in some photo closeup. cause though i believe i can do that too, i think that a visual view would be much better!
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Re: The Real Mctube

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
ahhhh...i suck on uploading...

just right click somewhere on that white thing and view image!!!


how can you save a normal picture out of that diylc 3.28.0?
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Re: The Real Mctube

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
In reply to this post by glasspak73
any news?did you build it?
can you verify it?